Homophobia and transphobia are the site of new struggle in modern day life around the world, akin to the injustices based on race and gender which we felt strongest in the collective histories of southern Africa in the not too distant past, and which still exist today. Faith communities and especially the Christian church in our region were instrumental in challenging the systemic and structural injustices inflicted on people of colour, women and girls to shift hearts and minds, and must now stand with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people against homophobia and transphobia, as they too are people created in the image of God.

This is the message from renowned anti-apartheid leader, author and theologian Prof Allan Boesak, in his public address and paper, Taking a Stand: A call to action by the church against injustice towards LGBTI people. The public address was held at a packed-to-capacity Dennis Hurley Hall at the Diakonia Centre in Durban on 24 June 2019, as the opening event of a larger three-day Africa wide convening on Breaking Through the Backlash: Transformative encounters between LGBTI people and the churches in Africa, a gathering convened by the Other Foundation in partnership with Durban’s Diakonia Council of Churches and the Durban Lesbian and Gay Centre in Durban, South Africa.

Click here to download Taking A Stand, the address by Prof Allan Boesak.

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