As we neared the end of the first five years of the Other Foundation’s operation, we commissioned an external evaluation of the Foundation’s programmes in March 2019 and appointed Dawn Cavanagh and Hope Chigudu to undertake the evaluation, with Dawn as the lead evaluator.

After considering the assignment in more detail, the evaluators strongly motivated for the exercise to be a ‘review’ rather than a full evaluation of the impact of the Other Foundation’s work. The Other Foundation accepted the evaluator’s recommendation. The review was an assessment of the Foundation’s programmes and an institutional arrangements.

We are happy to share with you the summary report from the review process. Please click here to read it.

Since the finalization of the review report in January 2020, we have reflected on the recommendations that emerged, have taken into our thinking and planning what we found to be valuable and manageable, and continue to consider some of the outcomes more deeply.

We are very grateful to the many people from many different countries who participated in focus group discussions, individual interviews, electronic surveys, and an online public perception survey that were done by the reviewers. Your participation in the review has been invaluable to help make the Other Foundation a stronger, more relevant, and more resilient community resource for LGBTI people in southern Africa.
And we are immensely grateful to Dawn and Hope for undertaking this complex and demanding assignment, often putting in much more time and energy than originally planned on a voluntary basis.
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